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November 18, 2019

The November 2019 meeting of the Keytesville Chamber of Commerce met at the Café at noon on Monday, November 18th, 2019. Members in attendance were President Carla Watts, Nancy Coy, Susan Creason, Janet Weaver, Laurinda Littleton, Wendy Huntsman, Lowell Newsom, David Gaines, Melissa Wilhoit, Becky Bentley, Larry Pollard, Carol Neidholdt, and Clayton Enyeart.

President Watts called the meeting to order and asked for a motion for the secretary’s minutes to be approved. Lowell moved the secretary’s minutes to be approved with David seconding that motion. All members present voted favorably.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Nancy stating the current balance of $6,324.91. Susan asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Wendy made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report with Susan seconding. All members present voted favorably.

Under old business, the Christmas light parade is set for December 14th and begins at 5:30. Volunteers are needed to help decorate on December 3rd at 4:30 pm. The Keytesville Swim Club and Hogz BBQ will both be serving food at the event as well.

Under new business, it was decided that the Chamber’s next fundraiser will be to raffle off a new Pro 22 Traeger grill. Massie’s Appliance will provide the grill at cost totaling $478. Tickets will be sold at $10/ticket. Other items such as gift cards and possibly other cooking accessories may be added to the grill as well. This month’s free meal recipient is Airlink. Megan is currently finishing up the last of the business of the month awards for the year. After reaching out to the paper to see whether they would be willing to write the business of the month articles, they have declined. In place of the Volunteer of the Quarter, it was decided that there will now be a Volunteer of the Year. Lowell has volunteered to write this yearly article.

The date for the next Chamber meeting is set for Monday, December 16. Laurinda made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Clayton seconded it. All members present voted favorably.