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September 17, 2018

The Keytesville Chamber of Commerce met at the Cafe at noon on Monday, Sept. 17, 2018,with these people in attendance, Larry Pollard, Susan reason, Rik Jones, Nancy Coy, Carla Watt, Lowell Newsom, Laurinda Littleton, Holly Sorenson, Clayton Enyeart, Susan Littleton, Gerald Friesz, and David Gaines.

President Laurinda Littleton called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the agenda .A motion to approve the agenda was made by Lowel Newsom and seconded by Rik Jones. All members present voted favorably and the motion carried.

A motion to approve the secretary’s minutes was made by Rick Jones with a correction made by Lowell Newsom regarding Michael Gaines’ name in the report. The name is actually David Gaines. The motion as corrected was made by seconded by Carla Watts and the motion carried.

Carla Watts, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s report and stated that after expenses the checking account has a balance in it of $5,784.36. Lowell Newsom moved to approve the Treasurer’s report with Clayton Enyeart seconding. All members present voted favorably with the motion carrying.

Under old business, Prie Day events were discussed with the suggestion that ping pong balls should be sold for $5.00 instead of $2.00 to make a larger profit. This suggestion was proffered by Norman Bentley.

Under new business, the date was set for this year’s Trunk or Treat, and it will be held on Saturday, Oct. 27th. The events committee is to select three games or additional activities for the event. Holly Sorenson was added to the committee. New decorations and the following games were suggested—-cup cake walk, pumpkin race, costume contest which could include: best family costumes, pet costumes, ugliest, and scariest.

Everything free—give back day. Food will be served from the fire station with a donations jar on the food table. The Lions club will be contacted about a hayride (they were contacted and agreed to provide a hay ride).

Amanda Fortner has asked if she could sell her ornaments at one of our events. No decision was reached on this.

The date for the Christmas parade was tentatively set for Dec. 1st. More will be discussed next month.

Donut winner selected was Sherry’s Place and Business of the Month was the MO Regional Bank-Keytesville.

The next meeting is set for Oct. 15, 2018, at noon at The Café’

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Minutes by Nancy Coy