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February 20, 2018

The Keytesville Chamber of Commerce met Feb. 20, 2018, at The Café’ at noon with these members present: Laurinda Littleton, Nancy Coy, Carla Watt, Lowell Newsom, Gerald Freisz, Susan Creason, David Gaines, Rob Wheeler, Clayton Enyeart, Susan Littleton, Shirley Morris, Cameron Byrd and Wendy Hunkerson. Guest Speaker was Tresa Kussman.

Pres. Littleton called the meeting to order and introduced our guest speaker, Tresa Kussman. She presented her program on Missouri Main Street Connection. 165 towns in MO belong to this organization which helps communities to revitalize. She told of her work with this program in Brunswick and ways to get involved. Chariton County is the most northern county in the German Heritage Corridor. The way to get started is for the City of Keytesville to join Missouri Main Street. The Chamber agreed to check into this option.

Pres. Littleton asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Lowell Newsom moved to approve the agenda and Cameron Byrd seconded. All present voted favorably with the motion carrying.

The Secretary’s minutes were next on the agenda with Lowell Newsom moving to approve the secretary’s minutes and Wendy Hunkerson seconding the motion. All those present voted favorably with the motion carrying.

Carla Watts read the treasurer’s report indicating a bank balance of $4776.87 as of 2/16/18. She pointed out that Sue Prewitt was made an Honorary Member. Nancy Coy made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Susan Littleton. All present voted favorably and the motion carried. It was reported that Cheryl Jackson has started on the audit.

Under old business:

Membership Drive reported 34 members signed up for 2018. A drawing was held and SC’s Sweet Treats would have free dues for 2019. As a new member they passed out cupcakes for the members.

The Gift Card Basket Tickets are selling well. Winner will be drawn Mar. 31st at the Alumni Banquet. Other fundraiser ideas discussed included a ping pong drop for Price Day.

Under New Business:

Committee Assignments: 1. Website: Amanda Webb; Janet Weaver 2. City Connection: Bob Littleton, Susan Creason 3. Industry & Economics: Lowell Newsom; Clayton Enyeart 4. Grant Writing: Cameron Byrd 5. Publicity & Events: Janet Weaver; Megan Fox, Susan Littleton; Carla Watts

Events for the year: Dr. Sally Hubbard Walk, Garage Sale, Chamber Day (3rd weekend in June) with Chamber Day including member booths, activities for children and a chamber dinner.

Donut recipient for Feb. is Megan Fox. Business of the Month is the Keytesville Library.

David Gaines made the announcement that on Wed. Mar. 7th there will be a Job Fair in Salisbury at the Ballroom from Noon to 5. On May 11th there will be an economics development golf tournament in Salisbury.

The March meeting will be held on Mar. 19, 2018 at the Café’. Lowell Newsom made a motion to adjourn and Clayton Enyeart seconded. All present voted favorably. Meeting adjourned.