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May 20, 2019

The May 2019 meeting of the Keytesville Chamber of Commerce met at the Café at noon on Monday, May 20, 2019. Members in attendance were President Carla Watts, Lowell Newsom, David Gaines, Nancy Coy, Susan Creason, Cele Sehlke, Larry Pollard, Janet Weaver, Laurinda Littleton, and Clayton Enyeart.

President Watts called the meeting to order and asked for a motion for the secretary’s minutes to be approved. Nancy moved the secretary’s minutes to be approved with David seconding that motion. All members present voted favorably.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer Nancy stating the current balance of $7,008.93. Carla asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. David made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report with Lowell seconding. All members present voted favorably.

Under old business, the Sally Hubbard walk is scheduled for May 14th – June 13th on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A total of 25 people participated in the walk on its first day. Family night is scheduled for June 6th at 6:00 pm and consists of a free meal at the Farmer’s Market.

The annual Bridge Street Affair will be held on Saturday, June 22nd from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Local businesses are encouraged to set up booths to promote their business. Activities will include kid’s games and inflatables, Adult Trike Races at 9:30, Tanglefoot Square Dancers at 10:00, Alex Daniel Music at 11:30, and the Steak Dinner will be held at 7:00 pm. Tickets for the Steak Dinner are $25 or $15 for Chamber members. Tickets must be purchased in advance by June 17th. Hwy 11 band will be performing during and after the Steak Dinner.

Carla gave report on the Casey’s petition/letter campaign. A representative from Casey’s contacted Carla and said to stop sending letters, as they had been receiving a numerous amount from Keytesville and surrounding residents. The representative said that Keytesville is “on their radar” for discussions of possible store improvements. Our goal was to get Casey’s attention and it appears that was successful.

As old business continued, Cele gave a report on the Educator of the year award. There were a total of 6 applicants and a winner has been chosen. The winner will be announced May 24th at the school’s award ceremony. Cele will send an article to the newspaper after the award is given.

Under new business, members are asked to come up with any new ideas for the Chamber’s fundraiser activity at Sterling Price Day. Last year’s activity was the Ping-Pong Ball Drop. Neidholdt Plumbing & Excavating LLC and AirLink recently became new members of the Chamber. This month’s free meal recipient is Keytesville School and the business of the month is AirLink.

Michael Sweeney, a coordinator for the Missouri Bicentennial, spoke during the meeting to address community engagement projects for the Bicentennial. The State Historical Society of Missouri is offering numerous projects for communities to use to commemorate the Bicentennial. More info can be found at www.missouri2021.org.

The date for the next Chamber meeting is set for Monday, June 17th. David made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Susan C. seconded it. All members present voted favorably.