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December 17, 2018

The December meeting of the Keytesville Chamber of Commerce was held December 17, 2018, at The Café` in Keytesville at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Laurinda Littleton at 6:35 p.m. and was recessed until the completion of the meal. Laurinda announced that the dinner was a surprise honor for Janet Weaver for all her years of effort and work for the community of Keytesville.

Following the meal, the meeting was reconvened. Lowell Newsom moved to approve the agenda. Susan Creason seconded and the motion passed. Larry Pollard moved to approve the Secretary’s minutes. Nancy Coy seconded and the motion passed. Carla Watts presented the treasurer’s report which showed an ending balance of $5,417.48. Janet Weaver moved to approve the Treasurer’s report. Susan Littleton seconded and the motion passed.

In old business, discussion was held related to the Winter Wonderland event. Everything went okay, with the crowd having fewer people than in the past due to the cold weather. Janet Weaver reported on the window decorating contest. There were three entries into the residential and three entries into the business portion of the contest. It is believed that early and persistent cold weather kept more people from participating in the decorating contest. The winners were: Businesses: Lowell Newsom, Management and Consulting 1st,, Keytesville Library 2nd, and Price Museum 3rd. The residential winners were: Jessie and Julie McKenzie 1st, Eddy and Georgia Smith 2nd, and Jim and Cammie Benson 3rd.

The business of the month and volunteer of the quarter articles will be in the Jan. 3rd issue of the newspaper as many things were submitted to the paper around the holidays.

Under new business, the Finnell Fund is contemplating purchasing new tables for the Farmers’ Market during the 2019 calendar year. It was suggested that the Chamber of Commerce purchase trash receptacles. Some discussion was held and it was decided that a decision would be made at the January meeting.

Donut of the month recipient was Reische Insurance and business of the month was Rick Jones Shelter Insurance. Lowell reported on behalf of the economic committee that the new building in Sumner (community building) is quite nice and a great addition to the county.

The January meeting of the Keytesville Chamber of Commerce will be held at The Café` at noon on January 22nd. Lowell Newsom moved and Clayton Enyeart seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.